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Just the Facts

The presence of an involved father has tremendous positive impacts on a child's development and overall well-being.  Too often, media and societal narratives portray Black fathers as absent or uninvolved. This simply isn't true. Black fathers are actively engaged in raising their kids, providing care, support, and guidance. This deserves recognition.

Data about Dads

Black fathers, are you there?

The presence of an involved father has tremendous positive impacts on a child's development and overall well-being.  Too often, media and societal narratives portray Black fathers as absent or uninvolved. This simply isn't true. Black fathers are actively engaged in raising their kids, providing care, support, and guidance. This deserves recognition.

The Strongest Man I Know

“My father is the strongest man I know. This black man is reliable and always ready to help anyone grow. He’s the best Dad in the world, no doubt.”

John Doe

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